Sorry for the extreme delay.
I've decided that getting up before 4:30 am, getting "home" between 6:45 and 7:30 pm and then working out for an hour to an hour and a half and then trying to cool down and relax enough to sleep is an improbability bordering on the insane.
I don't know that if I had kept up with it that I'd be here speaking with you today. And as sad as I am to admit it.
P90X has defeated me.
For now.
It's just been too much all the time. I was trying to build good habits and get into a routine of working out, but I'm crawling all over the plant all day, granted that's not working out, but I'm still sweating my ass off. It's non-stop all the time.
And before we get all nit picky, I do have time to eat breakfast at work and lunch and take breaks here and there, but during those times I've generally got paperwork to keep up on. It's a rough schedule that I've been maintaining and my health was suffering because of it.
So after staying in bed all of last weekend trying to shake this sickness and most of this week fighting to get over it, I've decided that I'm done working out for now.
I'm just going to put in my hours at work and come back here and read or watch youtube videos or netflix or something. Decompress if you will.
My quality of life was suffering, so I'm done with it.
I'll try to get better about posting. I'm also going to try to get better about calling people back. I know that quite a few people deserve phone calls from me to update them on my status directly, but I've just been so beat at the end of the day, that entertaining the notion of calling people was enough to exhaust whatever stores I had left for the day.
So, in the coming weeks, I'll do my best to stay in better contact with them and with you all here.
No real hard promises, but I'm going to try.
My Grandma on my Dad's side sent me a book and I've been meaning to call and thank her about that. She's also sent me newspaper and magazine clippings.
My Mom and Dad sent me a care package with some fruit snacks and stuff in it, so that's a thank you to them as well.
It's my fault for trying to over extend on an 'outage schedule' (my nuke workers will understand that, it's six 12 hour days, granted, I only worked about 9ish hours on Saturday, so I guess I can be grateful for that).
Long story cut short. I'm sorry and I'll try to be better in the future.
Today's laundry day and then I'm going to do my best to relax for the rest of it.
S is coming to see me next weekend, so I'm doing my best to remove the remaining traces of sickness from my body so that I'll be up for hanging out.
I'll keep you posted as events unfold.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sorry for the lack of updates recently.
I've been trying to get stuff situated for my new work schedule.
Sunday was spent running errands (I never made it to polo).
I went to Walgreens and bought some toiletries (deodorant, etc.) then I went to the groceries from the store.
After that I went to the Dollar Tree and bought a plate and two sets of silverware (which it's really stainless steel from China, so not silver) since I'll be here for a month, I figured the $4.19 was worth it for convenience.
Then back to the hotel to unpack and debate on ordering another pair of scrubs for work, which I'll probably do, but I need to do more research. They need to be 100% cotton otherwise the blended materials generate too much static and I could pick up radon particles, which isn't horrible but it makes it more difficult to get out of the plant since radon is technically radioactive and you can't leave the plant with any particles on you.
So yeah.
The touch, the feel, of Cotton, the fabric of my life.
So anyway, after that I went and returned my black Chevy Impala and got a White Chevy Impala in return. It's not all bad though. This one is one class higher though. It's got a moon/sun roof and remote start.
So I've got that going on.
After that it was pretty much just hanging around the hotel until we decided to go to dinner. We were really on a reconnaissance mission to see what would be open at 4:45am.
You read that correctly.
I got up at 4:15 this morning and then showered and ran downstairs.
Well, last night we went to Pennsville Diner. They don't open that early.
But, the waitress recommended Deepwater Diner, which is open 24 hours.
It also smells like mold/mildew.
So we're not going there again.
We're going to try Wawa tomorrow, see what they have going on.
Don't really have high hopes, but we shall see.
Anywho, I'll try to find time tomorrow to talk about the work that I'm doing but this might become an every other night thing so that I can catch up on sleep an whatnot.
Don't worry, I'm still working out.
I really need to see if the weight room has a scale, I'm not really seeing gains in my physique, but I feel like my endurance is improving from week to week.
I've been trying to get stuff situated for my new work schedule.
Sunday was spent running errands (I never made it to polo).
I went to Walgreens and bought some toiletries (deodorant, etc.) then I went to the groceries from the store.
After that I went to the Dollar Tree and bought a plate and two sets of silverware (which it's really stainless steel from China, so not silver) since I'll be here for a month, I figured the $4.19 was worth it for convenience.
Then back to the hotel to unpack and debate on ordering another pair of scrubs for work, which I'll probably do, but I need to do more research. They need to be 100% cotton otherwise the blended materials generate too much static and I could pick up radon particles, which isn't horrible but it makes it more difficult to get out of the plant since radon is technically radioactive and you can't leave the plant with any particles on you.
So yeah.
The touch, the feel, of Cotton, the fabric of my life.
So anyway, after that I went and returned my black Chevy Impala and got a White Chevy Impala in return. It's not all bad though. This one is one class higher though. It's got a moon/sun roof and remote start.
So I've got that going on.
After that it was pretty much just hanging around the hotel until we decided to go to dinner. We were really on a reconnaissance mission to see what would be open at 4:45am.
You read that correctly.
I got up at 4:15 this morning and then showered and ran downstairs.
Well, last night we went to Pennsville Diner. They don't open that early.
But, the waitress recommended Deepwater Diner, which is open 24 hours.
It also smells like mold/mildew.
So we're not going there again.
We're going to try Wawa tomorrow, see what they have going on.
Don't really have high hopes, but we shall see.
Anywho, I'll try to find time tomorrow to talk about the work that I'm doing but this might become an every other night thing so that I can catch up on sleep an whatnot.
Don't worry, I'm still working out.
I really need to see if the weight room has a scale, I'm not really seeing gains in my physique, but I feel like my endurance is improving from week to week.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Well, that's the reason that I've not posted yesterday.
I was at Applebee's.
I closed down an Applebee's.
Which happens at 1am.
I don't really know what happened.
I think it was just a celebration of this being our last free Friday where we're not going to be exhausted.
A minimum work week of 5 twelve hour days starts on Monday at 6am. From there we'll "reassess" our need to work weekends (Read: we're going to most likely be working weekends).
Anyway, back to Applebee's.
One of the guys and I went over for dinner at like 7:30 or 7:45. It's a chain, I know, and I know that's against my protocol. But we didn't even get back to the hotel until like twenty after six and there's not a lot of options that we saw, also, it's about 50 yards away from where I'm sleeping, so there's a big convenience factor.
So we're sitting and we're bullshitting, not much going on. We ask the bartender about the fest that was supposed to be going on over there today and she didn't know anything about it.
Nothing doing. We just kept sitting and eating and drinking.
Then the rest of our party from Chicago joined us and things started to pick up pace a bit. The conversation drifted from sports, to drinking, to the fest down the road and if we should go or not, and to religion and back again.
It's pretty much your typical I'm getting drunk with work people so let's talk about everything we can think of, it's a thing. Trust me.
I've done it quite a few times.
Anyway, after a time I switch to Irish whiskey on the rocks.
That's the downslant.
I can hold my liquor, that's not an issue. It's just that I don't bounce back like I used to, so today's pretty much been a wash for me. I did fill out my expense report today though, it's close to $3.8k in expenses. We'll find out in a few days if it gets approved though. Should be interesting.
Other things that were discovered is that the back-up catcher for the 2005 Chicago White Sox championship team apparently is from Pennsville and just lives up the road a bit. He came back here to his home town and coaches little league and mows the lawn for fun. A real Forrest Gump story with the "stupid is, as stupid does" part.
It's pretty crazy, I guess. I'm not a sports person, neither do I really go all fanboy over anything, I don't really care how famous you are, you're still just another person to me. One of the people we met at the bar says he knows him real well and that's a real stand-up guy, so that's always good to know.
The other thing that we found out about is that there's a polo game on Sunday at Brandywine park or something like that on the other side of the river. The couple we met said that a polo field is roughly the size of either 6 or 9 football fields. The woman said that most of the horses that they use are Thoroughbred horses do to size and speed. They are apparently the horse of choice for the sport. So we were invited to go along with the people we met because the guy's wife, who was there is playing this Sunday and she's won championships and trophies and the like, should be a good time. I've never seen a polo game before.
Anyway, sorry for the lame post-up. I just don't have a lot of funny today. My head hurts and I'm exhausted. I'm probably going to call it early tonight and just hang out in the room and watch TV.
But before you go and scold me, yes, I did still workout last night. And, yes, I did still workout today. Today's was just much worse than it probably should have been due to my present condition. Although, today was Yoga X so I probably sweat out some of the toxins, so that's good.
I was at Applebee's.
I closed down an Applebee's.
Which happens at 1am.
I don't really know what happened.
I think it was just a celebration of this being our last free Friday where we're not going to be exhausted.
A minimum work week of 5 twelve hour days starts on Monday at 6am. From there we'll "reassess" our need to work weekends (Read: we're going to most likely be working weekends).
Anyway, back to Applebee's.
One of the guys and I went over for dinner at like 7:30 or 7:45. It's a chain, I know, and I know that's against my protocol. But we didn't even get back to the hotel until like twenty after six and there's not a lot of options that we saw, also, it's about 50 yards away from where I'm sleeping, so there's a big convenience factor.
So we're sitting and we're bullshitting, not much going on. We ask the bartender about the fest that was supposed to be going on over there today and she didn't know anything about it.
Nothing doing. We just kept sitting and eating and drinking.
Then the rest of our party from Chicago joined us and things started to pick up pace a bit. The conversation drifted from sports, to drinking, to the fest down the road and if we should go or not, and to religion and back again.
It's pretty much your typical I'm getting drunk with work people so let's talk about everything we can think of, it's a thing. Trust me.
I've done it quite a few times.
Anyway, after a time I switch to Irish whiskey on the rocks.
That's the downslant.
I can hold my liquor, that's not an issue. It's just that I don't bounce back like I used to, so today's pretty much been a wash for me. I did fill out my expense report today though, it's close to $3.8k in expenses. We'll find out in a few days if it gets approved though. Should be interesting.
Other things that were discovered is that the back-up catcher for the 2005 Chicago White Sox championship team apparently is from Pennsville and just lives up the road a bit. He came back here to his home town and coaches little league and mows the lawn for fun. A real Forrest Gump story with the "stupid is, as stupid does" part.
It's pretty crazy, I guess. I'm not a sports person, neither do I really go all fanboy over anything, I don't really care how famous you are, you're still just another person to me. One of the people we met at the bar says he knows him real well and that's a real stand-up guy, so that's always good to know.
The other thing that we found out about is that there's a polo game on Sunday at Brandywine park or something like that on the other side of the river. The couple we met said that a polo field is roughly the size of either 6 or 9 football fields. The woman said that most of the horses that they use are Thoroughbred horses do to size and speed. They are apparently the horse of choice for the sport. So we were invited to go along with the people we met because the guy's wife, who was there is playing this Sunday and she's won championships and trophies and the like, should be a good time. I've never seen a polo game before.
Anyway, sorry for the lame post-up. I just don't have a lot of funny today. My head hurts and I'm exhausted. I'm probably going to call it early tonight and just hang out in the room and watch TV.
But before you go and scold me, yes, I did still workout last night. And, yes, I did still workout today. Today's was just much worse than it probably should have been due to my present condition. Although, today was Yoga X so I probably sweat out some of the toxins, so that's good.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Plyo X
All I have to say is one thing.
The one leg guy is cheating.
He's got to be down...what?....20 pounds? 25 pounds maybe? They never really say how far up his leg is missing.
That's got to be where they get you.
You're like, "Hell, if a one leg guy can do it, anyone can do it."
The one leg guy's got an unfair advantage.
I'm sure if I was 20-ish pounds lighter, I'd be jumping around like a jackrabbit.
But no.
Apparently I suffer from dual-leg-can't-do-plyo syndrome, wherein, I sweat my ass off trying to keep up with a guy who's 20 pounds lighter than a leg....literally.
He's got a leg up.
He's one step ahead of me.
Are you getting the puns?
It's ridiculous.
Also, while "trying to take it easy on my knees" like Tony (the main guy who's yelling at you the whole time in the video) is constantly telling me. I think I hurt my foot and my knee.
When I put lateral pressure on my right foot, in a rolling motion, it hurts on the outside edge. The knee of the same leg is all wonky.
So maybe I will finally be able to keep up with the guy. I should just have my leg removed. That'll teach him. Would be the easiest twenty pounds I've ever lost.
Plus I'd get some wicked drugs out of it, probably get some time off of work.
Overall this might not be a bad endeavor.
Well, until you consider showering or taking a dump or all these other things that most people use two legs for, stairs, etc.
Bah, it's probably not worth it.
Oh well, I'm going to go soak a wash cloth in some water and put it on my neck. I don't think I've sweat this much since that time I went hiking in the southern the noon.
I'm a brain-child...I know.
Don't rub it in.
P.S. Some shout outs. My Grandma on my Dad's side and the lady she lives with sent me some pictures from vacation this year and Irish Fest. I put them up on the mirror in the room. Almost makes the place feel a little more homey. Could still use a stove and stuff like that though, but it's the small things that keep you moving foward. Also, S sent me some decaf chai tea and a mix box of different teas from around India. Should be interesting to try them all.
Thanks guys.
The one leg guy is cheating.
He's got to be down...what?....20 pounds? 25 pounds maybe? They never really say how far up his leg is missing.
That's got to be where they get you.
You're like, "Hell, if a one leg guy can do it, anyone can do it."
The one leg guy's got an unfair advantage.
I'm sure if I was 20-ish pounds lighter, I'd be jumping around like a jackrabbit.
But no.
Apparently I suffer from dual-leg-can't-do-plyo syndrome, wherein, I sweat my ass off trying to keep up with a guy who's 20 pounds lighter than a leg....literally.
He's got a leg up.
He's one step ahead of me.
Are you getting the puns?
It's ridiculous.
Also, while "trying to take it easy on my knees" like Tony (the main guy who's yelling at you the whole time in the video) is constantly telling me. I think I hurt my foot and my knee.
When I put lateral pressure on my right foot, in a rolling motion, it hurts on the outside edge. The knee of the same leg is all wonky.
So maybe I will finally be able to keep up with the guy. I should just have my leg removed. That'll teach him. Would be the easiest twenty pounds I've ever lost.
Plus I'd get some wicked drugs out of it, probably get some time off of work.
Overall this might not be a bad endeavor.
Well, until you consider showering or taking a dump or all these other things that most people use two legs for, stairs, etc.
Bah, it's probably not worth it.
Oh well, I'm going to go soak a wash cloth in some water and put it on my neck. I don't think I've sweat this much since that time I went hiking in the southern the noon.
I'm a brain-child...I know.
Don't rub it in.
P.S. Some shout outs. My Grandma on my Dad's side and the lady she lives with sent me some pictures from vacation this year and Irish Fest. I put them up on the mirror in the room. Almost makes the place feel a little more homey. Could still use a stove and stuff like that though, but it's the small things that keep you moving foward. Also, S sent me some decaf chai tea and a mix box of different teas from around India. Should be interesting to try them all.
Thanks guys.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Resistance Bands
Late post today.
Actually today's been a late day all the way around.
I blame it on the fact that I felt obligated to shave today. Through off my whole morning.
Ate breakfast late.
Got to work a bit later than I wanted.
Left work later than I wanted.
Started to work out later than I wanted...
You have no idea.
I'm to OCD for all this. I'm a big creature of habit. I think I get it from my Grandmother on my Mom's side.
She's very "regular" or she's not at all.
Hahaha. Love you Grandma.
Anyway, back to the topic of the post.
I'm pretty sure I've told you about the resistance bands that I bought from Dick's Sporting Goods over the weekend.
I don't know if I told you that the day after I got them or the day I got them, I can't remember, I ended up snapping myself in the chest with them pretty good.
Like really good.
I've still got a bruise across the chest from when it hit me.
With force.
Granted, it was my fault for trying to hood rig something with the bands in my room and not following proper band usage protocol, but still.
It hurt.
A lot.
Anyway, I recovered from that fiasco. It was more of a shock when it hit me followed by the pain and then the pain of "I have no one to blame for this than myself" (which is almost worse than the actual pain of the injury).
I'll set the scene.
There's a coat rack on the left when you come in the door.
Sturdy, I tried to hang on it to make sure that I wouldn't get hurt.
It held.
I thought that was good enough, I looped probably a 15-20 pound resistance band around it.
I pulled a bit, testing my "connection" to the coat rack.
It felt pretty solid.
I checked my loop job, once more and then hit play on the video.
Everything was going well, I started the arm workout. It's kind of like a standing chin-up/pull-up for those of us that either don't have a bar or can't get over the bar (or both).
So I get into a kneeling lunge position and start to pull on the bands to that I can get the motion of the pull up down.
I put my arms back forward, again, mimicking the correct motion.
I look to the video to make sure that I'm doing the motion correctly and then start to pull again.
Right across the chest.
I didn't even know what happened.
I was up, I was looking at the door.
I don't know why. I assume it was to make sure that no one snuck in and saw me.
Sad part is, my only reaction, other than to try to bring my hands in after the fact was to just say, "Ow."
That's it, no rage, no jumping, no cursing, just "Ow."
Worse of all, while I'm standing there, watching the line get redder across my chest, I'm still holding the offensive band in my hand.
I still finished the workout. My heart just wasn't in it after that. Also, whenever I moved my chest it aggravated my injury.
Today was the second or third time using the bands, so I thought I had the process down. I was even using the correct door attachment, like in the instructions.
Well, today I was using the heavy band to mimic some more pull-ups/chin-ups, with the door attachment. And everything was going well, but then the end slipped out.
You see, it's a rubber tube with a black plastic marble shoved in the end of it which is then forced through a steel grommet (the type of hole you'd find on the edge of a tarpaulin), then it's secure with another black plastic/rubber washer that I assume is supposed to hold the marble in the tube through the grommet, in place.
It did not.
No injury though. Just frustration.
I stop the video. Work out how it works and what needs to happen for it to go back to it's original position, and then fix it.
Or so I thought.
Either the same end or the opposite end of the tube slipped out the next set.
Frustrating, but I have the solution in hand so it's not a big fix.
I switch bands, thinking maybe this one is just not the band for this exercise and I'm doing it wrong.
Using a different band, I start another work out. It was either lawnmower's or seated back flys. Not sure.
And then, that band just snaps off right at the grommet.
Into the floor though. In both exercises the band is supported by my foot on the floor, just like in the video, so the energy of the band goes into the floor. Not a problem.
Other than the broken band.
And no, not like threw it away, I'm too lazy to go look for it. I'm in a hotel. Anything that's been in my trash is gone.
Oh well, S says that I can probably just go back and have them look up the transaction by my credit card and have them do a like for like exchange if I want.
That'll have to wait until this weekend though. There's no way that I'd get to Christiana and back after work and still have time to eat and work out and decompress and all that.
I wish this was more upbeat for you, but it's been a whole lot of fail surrounding those bands, I thought I should report it.
Actually today's been a late day all the way around.
I blame it on the fact that I felt obligated to shave today. Through off my whole morning.
Ate breakfast late.
Got to work a bit later than I wanted.
Left work later than I wanted.
Started to work out later than I wanted...
You have no idea.
I'm to OCD for all this. I'm a big creature of habit. I think I get it from my Grandmother on my Mom's side.
She's very "regular" or she's not at all.
Hahaha. Love you Grandma.
Anyway, back to the topic of the post.
I'm pretty sure I've told you about the resistance bands that I bought from Dick's Sporting Goods over the weekend.
I don't know if I told you that the day after I got them or the day I got them, I can't remember, I ended up snapping myself in the chest with them pretty good.
Like really good.
I've still got a bruise across the chest from when it hit me.
With force.
Granted, it was my fault for trying to hood rig something with the bands in my room and not following proper band usage protocol, but still.
It hurt.
A lot.
Anyway, I recovered from that fiasco. It was more of a shock when it hit me followed by the pain and then the pain of "I have no one to blame for this than myself" (which is almost worse than the actual pain of the injury).
I'll set the scene.
There's a coat rack on the left when you come in the door.
Sturdy, I tried to hang on it to make sure that I wouldn't get hurt.
It held.
I thought that was good enough, I looped probably a 15-20 pound resistance band around it.
I pulled a bit, testing my "connection" to the coat rack.
It felt pretty solid.
I checked my loop job, once more and then hit play on the video.
Everything was going well, I started the arm workout. It's kind of like a standing chin-up/pull-up for those of us that either don't have a bar or can't get over the bar (or both).
So I get into a kneeling lunge position and start to pull on the bands to that I can get the motion of the pull up down.
I put my arms back forward, again, mimicking the correct motion.
I look to the video to make sure that I'm doing the motion correctly and then start to pull again.
Right across the chest.
I didn't even know what happened.
I was up, I was looking at the door.
I don't know why. I assume it was to make sure that no one snuck in and saw me.
Sad part is, my only reaction, other than to try to bring my hands in after the fact was to just say, "Ow."
That's it, no rage, no jumping, no cursing, just "Ow."
Worse of all, while I'm standing there, watching the line get redder across my chest, I'm still holding the offensive band in my hand.
I still finished the workout. My heart just wasn't in it after that. Also, whenever I moved my chest it aggravated my injury.
Today was the second or third time using the bands, so I thought I had the process down. I was even using the correct door attachment, like in the instructions.
Well, today I was using the heavy band to mimic some more pull-ups/chin-ups, with the door attachment. And everything was going well, but then the end slipped out.
You see, it's a rubber tube with a black plastic marble shoved in the end of it which is then forced through a steel grommet (the type of hole you'd find on the edge of a tarpaulin), then it's secure with another black plastic/rubber washer that I assume is supposed to hold the marble in the tube through the grommet, in place.
It did not.
No injury though. Just frustration.
I stop the video. Work out how it works and what needs to happen for it to go back to it's original position, and then fix it.
Or so I thought.
Either the same end or the opposite end of the tube slipped out the next set.
Frustrating, but I have the solution in hand so it's not a big fix.
I switch bands, thinking maybe this one is just not the band for this exercise and I'm doing it wrong.
Using a different band, I start another work out. It was either lawnmower's or seated back flys. Not sure.
And then, that band just snaps off right at the grommet.
Into the floor though. In both exercises the band is supported by my foot on the floor, just like in the video, so the energy of the band goes into the floor. Not a problem.
Other than the broken band.
And no, not like threw it away, I'm too lazy to go look for it. I'm in a hotel. Anything that's been in my trash is gone.
Oh well, S says that I can probably just go back and have them look up the transaction by my credit card and have them do a like for like exchange if I want.
That'll have to wait until this weekend though. There's no way that I'd get to Christiana and back after work and still have time to eat and work out and decompress and all that.
I wish this was more upbeat for you, but it's been a whole lot of fail surrounding those bands, I thought I should report it.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
X Stretch
So today was X Stretch day, or my 'rest' day. Which I suppose it could be called that, but I still worked up a pretty decent sweat.
I don't know how that makes me feel.
Does it make me feel good about really pushing myself to stretch?
Does it make me feel like I'm super out of shape?
Yes. A resounding YES.
Seriously, the stretch routine was roughly 55 minutes. And I got sweaty. Not as sweaty as on the Kenpo X days or the Plyo days, but sweaty nonetheless.
There were some stretches that I just couldn't do.
Let me rephrase.
There were some sketches that my gut wouldn't let me get into the position into which the stretch would have been productive.
I tried to 'tuck' it to the side and move it to the other side of my leg so I could turn more.
No dice.
It just started pinching on the other side.
So yeah.
I'm glad that I'm doing this workout and all that, but this whole too fat to stretch thing kind of has me bumming.
Probably shouldn't have had those three mini bean burritos at the hotel happy hour.
Sue me.
I was hungry.
Hence the gut.
Hence the not being able to stretch because of the gut.
Therefore, further gut.
It's a vicious downward spiral, that I don't really know how to work my way around.
I guess one option would be to get up an hour and half earlier to work out in the morning.
Like that's a thing that people do.
It's been hard making myself stick to a 6:30pm work out time, so you can imagine what a 5:00am work out time would be like.
I think I'll just stick with the evening one and try to eat lighter at the happy hour. It's nice that they put out food though, because I can still bill the company for 'going out to eat dinner' during the week.
It's not that I don't use the money to by groceries. I just don't like to eat out and I like being able to use that money elsewhere.
Oh well.
C'est la vie. Or however you spell it.
Side bar.
I worked about two hours from the hotel on Saturday (the VPN wouldn't work from my computer so the productivity went south fast), I put in about 6.5 hours on Sunday, 6.5 hours on Monday, and about an hour extra today.
This means that in our time entry program, I have worked 16 hours this pay period of regular time (they count the 8 hour holiday pay as regular time) and 16 hours of overtime. This pay period started on Saturday.
I'm doubling down.
You'd think with all that working, I'd be able to go somewhere or do something.
It's just going into the "Fund".
That's all for today folks.
I don't know how that makes me feel.
Does it make me feel good about really pushing myself to stretch?
Does it make me feel like I'm super out of shape?
Yes. A resounding YES.
Seriously, the stretch routine was roughly 55 minutes. And I got sweaty. Not as sweaty as on the Kenpo X days or the Plyo days, but sweaty nonetheless.
There were some stretches that I just couldn't do.
Let me rephrase.
There were some sketches that my gut wouldn't let me get into the position into which the stretch would have been productive.
I tried to 'tuck' it to the side and move it to the other side of my leg so I could turn more.
No dice.
It just started pinching on the other side.
So yeah.
I'm glad that I'm doing this workout and all that, but this whole too fat to stretch thing kind of has me bumming.
Probably shouldn't have had those three mini bean burritos at the hotel happy hour.
Sue me.
I was hungry.
Hence the gut.
Hence the not being able to stretch because of the gut.
Therefore, further gut.
It's a vicious downward spiral, that I don't really know how to work my way around.
I guess one option would be to get up an hour and half earlier to work out in the morning.
Like that's a thing that people do.
It's been hard making myself stick to a 6:30pm work out time, so you can imagine what a 5:00am work out time would be like.
I think I'll just stick with the evening one and try to eat lighter at the happy hour. It's nice that they put out food though, because I can still bill the company for 'going out to eat dinner' during the week.
It's not that I don't use the money to by groceries. I just don't like to eat out and I like being able to use that money elsewhere.
Oh well.
C'est la vie. Or however you spell it.
Side bar.
I worked about two hours from the hotel on Saturday (the VPN wouldn't work from my computer so the productivity went south fast), I put in about 6.5 hours on Sunday, 6.5 hours on Monday, and about an hour extra today.
This means that in our time entry program, I have worked 16 hours this pay period of regular time (they count the 8 hour holiday pay as regular time) and 16 hours of overtime. This pay period started on Saturday.
I'm doubling down.
You'd think with all that working, I'd be able to go somewhere or do something.
It's just going into the "Fund".
That's all for today folks.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Working Out
I decided to try to start the P90X routine from the beginning instead of taking the P90X Lean route. Turns out that the P90X Lean route is for AFTER you finish the regular one all the way through...
Why don't they spell that out in big letters for you?
To be perfectly honest though, they might spell it out.
I didn't read the whole booklet thing. I skimmed it, browsed it really...fine. I glanced at it. Sue me.
So at this point I've done about the first 5 days of the routine. It's been way more difficult than I had imagined.
Sure. I know that P90X stands for Power 90 (Day) Extreme. But I figured that I knew a fair amount of people that went through the program, they couldn't have been in that much better shape than me.
Well, turns out they are/were. It's ridiculous, and as I said yesterday, I didn't even have the resistance bands for the first few days of the workout. Also, I've not been doing the Ab Ripper X portion after the workouts because I thought it was just a weird snippet from the quasi-legal copy of it that I'm using...
They expect you to crank out a 60ish minute workout and then do twenty minutes on your abs. You've got to be kidding me.
There's no way that's healthy.
Granted. I'm going to try to incorporate it from here forward, but it's pushing the limits of my muscles just to do the first 60ish minutes, and that's with only doing about half of the numbers that the people in the video are putting up.
I've been having a hard time walking from the Plyometrics day, which roughly translates to jump training for people who hate themselves. It's pretty much all legs. It's probably one of the hardest things that I've ever had to do.
Oh, yeah. One of the guys in the Plyo video has a prosthetic leg.
What's that?
The right one is fake.
Bullshit. The guy kills me in the workout. And he's got one leg.
I'm not a bipedist or however you want to phrase it. I'm cool with amputees for whatever reason they might have been amputated. I'm not prejudiced or anything. I'm just saying that it's bullshit. Okay?
How does he get to be better than me? Probably because he's already completed the P90X program. He's a graduate.
If at the end of the 90 days I can do the whole Plyo day along with him, I'll consider it a success, but it's a long road from here.
Other than that, life is pretty status quo, other than the fact that I put in about 6.5 hours today and it's a Sunday.
Not fun.
It's all data retrieval work, so it's pretty mindless. I don't have a lot going on around here and I'm trying to save up as much money as I can. So putting in the time when I'm already away from home isn't a big deal.
Anyway, that's all I've got for you today.
Why don't they spell that out in big letters for you?
To be perfectly honest though, they might spell it out.
I didn't read the whole booklet thing. I skimmed it, browsed it really...fine. I glanced at it. Sue me.
So at this point I've done about the first 5 days of the routine. It's been way more difficult than I had imagined.
Sure. I know that P90X stands for Power 90 (Day) Extreme. But I figured that I knew a fair amount of people that went through the program, they couldn't have been in that much better shape than me.
Well, turns out they are/were. It's ridiculous, and as I said yesterday, I didn't even have the resistance bands for the first few days of the workout. Also, I've not been doing the Ab Ripper X portion after the workouts because I thought it was just a weird snippet from the quasi-legal copy of it that I'm using...
They expect you to crank out a 60ish minute workout and then do twenty minutes on your abs. You've got to be kidding me.
There's no way that's healthy.
Granted. I'm going to try to incorporate it from here forward, but it's pushing the limits of my muscles just to do the first 60ish minutes, and that's with only doing about half of the numbers that the people in the video are putting up.
I've been having a hard time walking from the Plyometrics day, which roughly translates to jump training for people who hate themselves. It's pretty much all legs. It's probably one of the hardest things that I've ever had to do.
Oh, yeah. One of the guys in the Plyo video has a prosthetic leg.
What's that?
The right one is fake.
Bullshit. The guy kills me in the workout. And he's got one leg.
I'm not a bipedist or however you want to phrase it. I'm cool with amputees for whatever reason they might have been amputated. I'm not prejudiced or anything. I'm just saying that it's bullshit. Okay?
How does he get to be better than me? Probably because he's already completed the P90X program. He's a graduate.
If at the end of the 90 days I can do the whole Plyo day along with him, I'll consider it a success, but it's a long road from here.
Other than that, life is pretty status quo, other than the fact that I put in about 6.5 hours today and it's a Sunday.
Not fun.
It's all data retrieval work, so it's pretty mindless. I don't have a lot going on around here and I'm trying to save up as much money as I can. So putting in the time when I'm already away from home isn't a big deal.
Anyway, that's all I've got for you today.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Back in Jersey
So I'll do my best to catch you back up to current day now.
First day back was pretty much a bust.
Woke up, did the usual routine and then went to work. Work was long and tedious, but I felt like nothing was really accomplished in my absence not for lack of trying, just volume of work to be completed.
After work was the usual, happy hour at the hotel and then laundry. I've still not determined if $5 is a good price for two loads of wash and one load of dry or not. But I guess that's the way of things.
The rest of the week's been pretty good. I'm finally setting up a routine. It keeps me pretty busy and keeps my mind occupied so I don't mope around about not being at home with those I love.
I get up, shower, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, go to happy hour in the hotel (M-Th), go back to the room and workout, eat a light dinner, Skype with S, and then read for an hour and go to bed.
It's probably a little too busy, but I'm trying to garner good habits.
Before my excuse to not work out was that there wasn't enough time or that I had gotten comfortable at home already. It was also partly because for a while there I was trying to ride my bike to work and after I got back to the apartment (after an 8 mile bike ride) I was already pretty gassed. Not good.
With the move out to the 'burbs with the in-laws, I was just lazy. I didn't want to find the time to do it. I don't like going to gyms so that thought is rough. I think I would be okay if I had a trainer or someone who was on my own level to work out with regularly, but the other side of it is that the gym is another stop. I think that eventually I'll just get some workout stuff for the house like my Dad does and then I won't actually have to go anywhere to workout but my own basement. That should get rid of the majority of my excuses.
I don't have that excuse here. Since I'm doing the P90X off of my laptop, there's really no excuse not to work out wherever my laptop is. Not going to get much lazier than that. I'm stuck in a hotel with my laptop, where's the excuse? There isn't one. That's why I've been really good about working out. I'm probably going to be doing the first week of the P90X program four times instead of the three recommended, as I've just bought the resistance bands yesterday morning (well, this morning at the time of writing). I don't feel like I've gotten as much out of some of the workouts as I could have if I would have already been in possession of the bands.
I bought a set that can go from 5 pounds to 75 pounds. It's actually a pretty small kit so I'll be able to workout wherever I go with it. Which is kind of nice and further removes excuses from not working out.
Anywho, I'm probably going to go into work for a bit tomorrow to get some more stuff done. I did a couple hours worth today, but my hearts not been in it. I just needed a day off I think. I'll get back after it tomorrow, might as well put in the overtime if I'm away from home anyway. Not much else to do.
First day back was pretty much a bust.
Woke up, did the usual routine and then went to work. Work was long and tedious, but I felt like nothing was really accomplished in my absence not for lack of trying, just volume of work to be completed.
After work was the usual, happy hour at the hotel and then laundry. I've still not determined if $5 is a good price for two loads of wash and one load of dry or not. But I guess that's the way of things.
The rest of the week's been pretty good. I'm finally setting up a routine. It keeps me pretty busy and keeps my mind occupied so I don't mope around about not being at home with those I love.
I get up, shower, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, go to happy hour in the hotel (M-Th), go back to the room and workout, eat a light dinner, Skype with S, and then read for an hour and go to bed.
It's probably a little too busy, but I'm trying to garner good habits.
Before my excuse to not work out was that there wasn't enough time or that I had gotten comfortable at home already. It was also partly because for a while there I was trying to ride my bike to work and after I got back to the apartment (after an 8 mile bike ride) I was already pretty gassed. Not good.
With the move out to the 'burbs with the in-laws, I was just lazy. I didn't want to find the time to do it. I don't like going to gyms so that thought is rough. I think I would be okay if I had a trainer or someone who was on my own level to work out with regularly, but the other side of it is that the gym is another stop. I think that eventually I'll just get some workout stuff for the house like my Dad does and then I won't actually have to go anywhere to workout but my own basement. That should get rid of the majority of my excuses.
I don't have that excuse here. Since I'm doing the P90X off of my laptop, there's really no excuse not to work out wherever my laptop is. Not going to get much lazier than that. I'm stuck in a hotel with my laptop, where's the excuse? There isn't one. That's why I've been really good about working out. I'm probably going to be doing the first week of the P90X program four times instead of the three recommended, as I've just bought the resistance bands yesterday morning (well, this morning at the time of writing). I don't feel like I've gotten as much out of some of the workouts as I could have if I would have already been in possession of the bands.
I bought a set that can go from 5 pounds to 75 pounds. It's actually a pretty small kit so I'll be able to workout wherever I go with it. Which is kind of nice and further removes excuses from not working out.
Anywho, I'm probably going to go into work for a bit tomorrow to get some more stuff done. I did a couple hours worth today, but my hearts not been in it. I just needed a day off I think. I'll get back after it tomorrow, might as well put in the overtime if I'm away from home anyway. Not much else to do.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Boston Day 5
Last day in Boston, I'll do more of the same and put the pictures up first. It's too much effort to try to work them in at the appropriate time. (Read: I'm lazy)
Today was our last day in Boston and it was turn for J and I's activities. He really wanted to go to the JFK library. He's got a few presidential libraries under his belt. We were close enough that it really was worth the trip.
We started the day though on one of Boston's Harbor Islands, George's Island, home of Fort Warren (Website Here). (The order, George's then JFK's library, was determined early. There are only shuttles every so often from the harbor islands and the library would be kicking us out at 5pm, which would then in turn in turn get us in gear to get to the airport for my 7:30pm flight.)
The Fort was pretty cool, though it never fired a shot in anger nor was a shot ever fired upon it.
It seems like one of those "Cold War" type scenarios. Fort Warren was very heavily fortified so much so that I think it was more of an intimidation Fort than anything else. It's no longer manned and the fortifications have been removed but overall, it was still a very impressive structure.
We heard an exhaustive amount of information regarding the island and the fort from a park ranger. The Boston Harbor Islands are state parks but a part of federally protected land, so the park rangers are actually federal and not state employees. I thought that was very interesting. Our time on the island was pretty much limited to the walking tour of the island wherein S got pretty lobstered, so it was probably good that we didn't have much more time to spend there otherwise she'd have suffered a lot more.
After the island, we went to JFK's presidential library (Website Here) was actually on the site of the University of Massachusetts campus, which I found to be interesting. It was right along the water though, which made for some pretty cool views.
I didn't know much of the life of JFK nor that of Jackie O. I know a great deal more now. I guess whatever I assumed Jackie to look like was from what I had seem in movies. Turns out that was not the case. I think to get the full impact of the museum was lost on me. I'm not a political all. Also, I wasn't alive for the life of the president. So much so that my Dad was only 1 when he passed and my mom wasn't born yet.
After that we head out to go to the airport. We got dinner at the Earl of Sandwich (Website Here). Then I was off to my flight like a shot, I actually got into the 'A' boarding group so I wasn't able to say goodbye to my travelmates, other than S. Which I suppose is all just as well for me. I'm not good at goodbyes. I don't know why, I know I'll see them all again soon enough, but still after 5 days of hanging out, you get to form a bond with people and you get used to having them around.
Not trying to get sappy. Promise. It's just why I'm not good at goodbyes. I prefer to do it like a Band-aid. Super fast without looking back.
And so ends the Boston saga. Well, after a flight and finding the car and driving from Baltimore back to Pennsville, and then unpacking.
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View from the boat on the way out of Boston to George's Island. |
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More views from the boat. |
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Was trying to get a shot of that egg shaped structure. |
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Egg shaped structure? |
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Ship got in my way. |
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Egg Structure. |
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Egg structure again. |
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The boat guide, didn't know what ship this was, but it was still pretty cool. |
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Ship and egg structure. 2 for 1! |
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Ship. |
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View from behind the boat. |
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Pulling into the dock at George's island. |
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The shape of the Fort was such that you couldn't be anywhere where someone wasn't at your back. The narrower openings were for muskets and the larger openings were for cannons. |
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View of the largest opening into the Fort. The door was originally built with a drawbridge and portcullis. You can see the openings where the ropes were. |
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The other side of the gate shown previously. |
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Same as above. |
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Replica cannon facing towards the only entry to the fort. |
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View from George's Island. |
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This was an opening for the counterweight for the large cannon. It took 57 seconds from when a shot was fired to when it would be ready to fire again. |
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Sponsors of the JFK digital archives. |
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Huge flag at the JFK library. |
We started the day though on one of Boston's Harbor Islands, George's Island, home of Fort Warren (Website Here). (The order, George's then JFK's library, was determined early. There are only shuttles every so often from the harbor islands and the library would be kicking us out at 5pm, which would then in turn in turn get us in gear to get to the airport for my 7:30pm flight.)
The Fort was pretty cool, though it never fired a shot in anger nor was a shot ever fired upon it.
It seems like one of those "Cold War" type scenarios. Fort Warren was very heavily fortified so much so that I think it was more of an intimidation Fort than anything else. It's no longer manned and the fortifications have been removed but overall, it was still a very impressive structure.
We heard an exhaustive amount of information regarding the island and the fort from a park ranger. The Boston Harbor Islands are state parks but a part of federally protected land, so the park rangers are actually federal and not state employees. I thought that was very interesting. Our time on the island was pretty much limited to the walking tour of the island wherein S got pretty lobstered, so it was probably good that we didn't have much more time to spend there otherwise she'd have suffered a lot more.
After the island, we went to JFK's presidential library (Website Here) was actually on the site of the University of Massachusetts campus, which I found to be interesting. It was right along the water though, which made for some pretty cool views.
I didn't know much of the life of JFK nor that of Jackie O. I know a great deal more now. I guess whatever I assumed Jackie to look like was from what I had seem in movies. Turns out that was not the case. I think to get the full impact of the museum was lost on me. I'm not a political all. Also, I wasn't alive for the life of the president. So much so that my Dad was only 1 when he passed and my mom wasn't born yet.
After that we head out to go to the airport. We got dinner at the Earl of Sandwich (Website Here). Then I was off to my flight like a shot, I actually got into the 'A' boarding group so I wasn't able to say goodbye to my travelmates, other than S. Which I suppose is all just as well for me. I'm not good at goodbyes. I don't know why, I know I'll see them all again soon enough, but still after 5 days of hanging out, you get to form a bond with people and you get used to having them around.
Not trying to get sappy. Promise. It's just why I'm not good at goodbyes. I prefer to do it like a Band-aid. Super fast without looking back.
And so ends the Boston saga. Well, after a flight and finding the car and driving from Baltimore back to Pennsville, and then unpacking.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Boston Day 4
Pictures first.
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Old South Church. |
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Old South Church again. |
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Ceiling of Old South Church. |
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Old South Church organ. There was a woman practicing while we were there. |
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This is a reflection on either the Prudential building or the John Hancock building. |
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Cool building, can't remember which one it is though. |
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Brickwork memorializing the site of the Boston Massacre. |
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We didn't go in, but I thought the plaque was interesting. |
Alright, now down to the activities.
We came downtown and tried to figure out what to do. We had made reservations for lunch at Atlantic Fish Co. (Website Here). I had sashimi grade Yellow Fin Tuna, prepared rare. I was quite amazing in my opinion, but I suppose you've really got to like raw fish to get into it. I was pretty impressed with everything. While we were eating they brought out a 40 year old lobster that weighed in at 7.5 pounds. They said it was $127 but would feed about four people. If you ratio it out, it's really not that bad of a price, all things considered.
Then we meandered around town and saw some non-Catholic churches. Not sure what they were I want to say that one was Episcopal. Then we hemmed and hawed for a bit trying to decide what to do. And settled on a Super Duck tour (Website Here). I wasn't overly excited by this because Wisconsin has some ducks as well, so the whole car/boat combo was old news. It was, after all, worthwhile though, we had a 45 minute land tour and then 45 minutes out in Boston Harbor. I guess the Super Duck is the only one who actually is able to go out into the harbor instead of just on the river, or something like that. Either way, Super Duck's the way to go. First Mate Todd was a little dry, but he was more than knowledgeable about everything that was going on in the area.
After we finished up with the Super Duck tour, we walked over to St. Anthony's Festival in Boston's North End. (Website Here). We walked through and made a donation to St. Anthony so that J, a member of the party, could get a job interview and hopefully a job. (Side fact: While we were in the airport, he received an email from someone to set up a phone interview!) After that we waited in line for what seemed like forever, to eat a Giacomo's Couldn't find a website so this will have to do). I was very impressed with it. I got shrimp and scallops in red sauce. I must say that I've had scallops a lot of places and these were prepared very, very well.
The sad fact is that they don't really have a lot of Italian food options for lactose intolerance folks. Which is awful, I could pretty much go from eating pasta one day, taco's the next day, and pizza the following day. If I kept up that routine, I'm pretty sure that I'd never get bored with it. Except, oh wait, cheese and pasta are like peas and carrots (to quote Forrest Gump here), same as tacos/burritos/nachos you can't have those without sour cream and cheese, I mean seriously. Who does that? Well, I do, and it's not the same. Even with my lactose free/vegan/parve stuff, it's just different. Pizza, oh good lord. Pizza is amazing. I've been trying to eat it sans cheese and it's just not the same. Plus it takes about twice as long to order pizza without the cheese, the figure you're pranking them or something. It's not fun...I usually just pick a pizza place I like and get them into a routine so that I can call in once a month and get a pizza sans cheese.
Back to Boston now.
After Giacomo's we...
Wait...back up again. The girls while we were waiting in line, went to Modern Pastry on the North End (Website Here), to get some Italian cookies. In our humble opinion these were of a much better quality that the Mike's Pastry cookies that I discussed previously. I guess the draw for Mike's Pastry is the cannoli's and they didn't get any cannoli's they got cannoli's from Modern Pastry, which in turn is known for it's cookies.
So yeah, back to what I was saying...
After Giacomo's we walked back to the car. But as we were walking we passed Paul Revere's house. It was late and it was closed for the day.
Wait...back up again...
In line for Giacomo's we almost didn't make the cut. Turns out they really don't have formal hours, they also, don't take reservations, hence the line. Also, they arbitrarily place a cut off point on the line and say no one after you. We almost didn't make that cut. Two people behind us and that was it. Rough. We had to turn people away.
Also, a funny side story is that the couple that was behind us was in line got a table first (They were a table of two, we were a table of 6, I get it, I'm over it...moving on). But at the end of their meal, when they payed up, their server came over and asked if their service was okay. They said that everything was fantastic. She then proceeded to say that normally when you think things were fantastic you tip more than 10%...BOOM....good move on the waitresses part. I thought the guy was going to cry. I mean it was obviously like a second date or something they couldn't keep their hands off of each other, the PDA was ruining my shrimp and scallops...almost ruining them, those scallops were damn near perfect. It was epic on the part of the waitress.
Back to Paul Revere's, closed. End of story there...took a bit. But yeah...over now.
Then we head back towards the car. Turns out that an emergency bathroom break was needed by one member of the party. He's also a J, just a different one than I've been mentioning. We searched all over the freedom trail to find something. What we were forgetting was that we were in downtown Boston on a Sunday night. Everything was closed. Even the port-a-john's were locked up for the night.
A shinning beacon in the night, or was it a UFO? Brought us in the direction of Cheer's! Oh life saving urinals of Cheer's. I feel bad, we didn't even get a drink. Oh well, the rest stop was appreciated by more than just J.
After that we decided to drive around Fenway park. It was cool to see, but most of it was closed down. They had a game earlier that day and everyone had cleared out. We didn't even get out of the car. Oh well, have to save something for another trip.
That's it for that night, we went back to the hotel and had some Modern Bakery and called it a night.
That's it for now.
We came downtown and tried to figure out what to do. We had made reservations for lunch at Atlantic Fish Co. (Website Here). I had sashimi grade Yellow Fin Tuna, prepared rare. I was quite amazing in my opinion, but I suppose you've really got to like raw fish to get into it. I was pretty impressed with everything. While we were eating they brought out a 40 year old lobster that weighed in at 7.5 pounds. They said it was $127 but would feed about four people. If you ratio it out, it's really not that bad of a price, all things considered.
Then we meandered around town and saw some non-Catholic churches. Not sure what they were I want to say that one was Episcopal. Then we hemmed and hawed for a bit trying to decide what to do. And settled on a Super Duck tour (Website Here). I wasn't overly excited by this because Wisconsin has some ducks as well, so the whole car/boat combo was old news. It was, after all, worthwhile though, we had a 45 minute land tour and then 45 minutes out in Boston Harbor. I guess the Super Duck is the only one who actually is able to go out into the harbor instead of just on the river, or something like that. Either way, Super Duck's the way to go. First Mate Todd was a little dry, but he was more than knowledgeable about everything that was going on in the area.
After we finished up with the Super Duck tour, we walked over to St. Anthony's Festival in Boston's North End. (Website Here). We walked through and made a donation to St. Anthony so that J, a member of the party, could get a job interview and hopefully a job. (Side fact: While we were in the airport, he received an email from someone to set up a phone interview!) After that we waited in line for what seemed like forever, to eat a Giacomo's Couldn't find a website so this will have to do). I was very impressed with it. I got shrimp and scallops in red sauce. I must say that I've had scallops a lot of places and these were prepared very, very well.
The sad fact is that they don't really have a lot of Italian food options for lactose intolerance folks. Which is awful, I could pretty much go from eating pasta one day, taco's the next day, and pizza the following day. If I kept up that routine, I'm pretty sure that I'd never get bored with it. Except, oh wait, cheese and pasta are like peas and carrots (to quote Forrest Gump here), same as tacos/burritos/nachos you can't have those without sour cream and cheese, I mean seriously. Who does that? Well, I do, and it's not the same. Even with my lactose free/vegan/parve stuff, it's just different. Pizza, oh good lord. Pizza is amazing. I've been trying to eat it sans cheese and it's just not the same. Plus it takes about twice as long to order pizza without the cheese, the figure you're pranking them or something. It's not fun...I usually just pick a pizza place I like and get them into a routine so that I can call in once a month and get a pizza sans cheese.
Back to Boston now.
After Giacomo's we...
Wait...back up again. The girls while we were waiting in line, went to Modern Pastry on the North End (Website Here), to get some Italian cookies. In our humble opinion these were of a much better quality that the Mike's Pastry cookies that I discussed previously. I guess the draw for Mike's Pastry is the cannoli's and they didn't get any cannoli's they got cannoli's from Modern Pastry, which in turn is known for it's cookies.
So yeah, back to what I was saying...
After Giacomo's we walked back to the car. But as we were walking we passed Paul Revere's house. It was late and it was closed for the day.
Wait...back up again...
In line for Giacomo's we almost didn't make the cut. Turns out they really don't have formal hours, they also, don't take reservations, hence the line. Also, they arbitrarily place a cut off point on the line and say no one after you. We almost didn't make that cut. Two people behind us and that was it. Rough. We had to turn people away.
Also, a funny side story is that the couple that was behind us was in line got a table first (They were a table of two, we were a table of 6, I get it, I'm over it...moving on). But at the end of their meal, when they payed up, their server came over and asked if their service was okay. They said that everything was fantastic. She then proceeded to say that normally when you think things were fantastic you tip more than 10%...BOOM....good move on the waitresses part. I thought the guy was going to cry. I mean it was obviously like a second date or something they couldn't keep their hands off of each other, the PDA was ruining my shrimp and scallops...almost ruining them, those scallops were damn near perfect. It was epic on the part of the waitress.
Back to Paul Revere's, closed. End of story there...took a bit. But yeah...over now.
Then we head back towards the car. Turns out that an emergency bathroom break was needed by one member of the party. He's also a J, just a different one than I've been mentioning. We searched all over the freedom trail to find something. What we were forgetting was that we were in downtown Boston on a Sunday night. Everything was closed. Even the port-a-john's were locked up for the night.
A shinning beacon in the night, or was it a UFO? Brought us in the direction of Cheer's! Oh life saving urinals of Cheer's. I feel bad, we didn't even get a drink. Oh well, the rest stop was appreciated by more than just J.
After that we decided to drive around Fenway park. It was cool to see, but most of it was closed down. They had a game earlier that day and everyone had cleared out. We didn't even get out of the car. Oh well, have to save something for another trip.
That's it for that night, we went back to the hotel and had some Modern Bakery and called it a night.
That's it for now.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Boston Day 3
Again, I'll do the pictures first, it helps to jog my memory. I really should have taken either more photos or some notes on what to write about, I'll have to remember that in the future when I go on excursions.
Slow start to the morning, but then we headed out to Harvard. The campus was....disappointing. I mean, I guess I had this image in my head of this super prestigious and elite campus where everyone turned up their noses at you and whatnot. But at the end of the day, it was like almost any other college I've been too. Yes, some of the buildings were older than most of the colleges that I've been to but at the same time, it was very, well, lacking in impressiveness. (Yes that's a word, Google didn't flag it out as misspelled, so there).
We walked through the campus and J one of the members of our party, knew quite a bit of information about it. So he took us on a sort of walking tour of the area using a map on his phone. It turns out a key part of his mission was to find a notebook that said Harvard on the front of it for his Mom. What a nice guy!
Also, before I get to far. It's pronounced with a very hard prolonged 'H' sound at the front of it, drag it out until you think you're going to run out of breath and then finish the rest of it in that last breath. Just makes it more prestigious I guess.
After Harvard, we went back to the hotel to change up and shower and whatnot for the wedding. The wedding was a short trip away in Topside, Mass, at least I think that was the name of the town. It was an outdoor ceremony performed by a friend of theirs who got his credentials online for the wedding, it was short and sweet, but very hard to hear everything with the traffic and things going on outside, not to mention the motorcycle that must have circled the block twice.
After the wedding was a mingling hour wherein, everyone got some drinks and appetizers, they were serving Chambord Kir Royale's (Recipe Here) at the wedding, I'm not much of a champagne fan, but these really did the trick.
Rewind a bit, when we finished the wedding, we went inside and realized that we didn't have any place cards. S was mildly irked to say the least and she asked around to other familiar faces to see if someone had played a trick on us and just snagged our cards before we got in.
They did not.
My first thought is, well, they're still serving us at the open bar, so it's not a total loss. But her thought was something different. She finds out that her cousin and her cousin's husband, also do not have a place card. Which I figure is good news, because misery loves company sitting alone at the bar, while entertaining it it's own right, really isn't a good way to spend a wedding with the in-laws.
The girls go and hunt down the day-of-coordinator, which I guess is a thing so you don't have to do anything the day of your wedding, seems like a good gig to me. And she checks her list and sees that we're on it, and finds a place for us.
In the balcony.
Away from 90% of the people that I've met before.
Oh well, if you know me then you know that I don't really clam up in social settings, I tend to really get in there and figure out what's what. We ended up sitting with two of S's cousins, whom I had met previous (one of which was the other one without the place card, go figure). And the evening was not a total loss.
I'd like to give a shoot out to the bride though. She's a dietitian, I guess, and she was really good with my allergy. My salad, while I found it unpleasing, still contained no cheese. My steak was also prepared sans butter. The dessert options were cannoli cake or carrot cake. I got a big plate of fruit (to be fair, I actually got 4ish plates of fruit because I kept running up to the balcony to grab the plate and another one was always not far behind. As someone with my condition, it's nice to know that people are looking out for you, but on your wedding day? Come on now, there's a limit to how far I expect people to go, but I'm still very grateful.
Long night at the wedding, I'm not much of a dancer unless my BAC reaches a critical level. So I didn't much hit the dance floor. Also, I think the bolognese may have had some dairy in it, so I wasn't operating at 100% anyhow.
Afterwards, they had to cart out all the liquor they brought in, dry county. I guess a good portion of it ended up across the hall from us that night. I was pretty much calling it quits due to operating 18 hours a day site seeing and the dairy curse, but I hear they had a grand old time mimicking Boston accents.
Quite a good trip so far, wouldn't you agree?
If you go over to S's blog (Website Here) You'll eventually see more pictures from the trip there. We've both got android phones and Google+ so any pictures we take from our phones are auto-uploaded to there and the we can post them here for your viewing pleasure.
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Memorial Library at Harvard. |
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Picture from the balcony at the wedding. |
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Shoot out to the VIP. |
We walked through the campus and J one of the members of our party, knew quite a bit of information about it. So he took us on a sort of walking tour of the area using a map on his phone. It turns out a key part of his mission was to find a notebook that said Harvard on the front of it for his Mom. What a nice guy!
Also, before I get to far. It's pronounced with a very hard prolonged 'H' sound at the front of it, drag it out until you think you're going to run out of breath and then finish the rest of it in that last breath. Just makes it more prestigious I guess.
After Harvard, we went back to the hotel to change up and shower and whatnot for the wedding. The wedding was a short trip away in Topside, Mass, at least I think that was the name of the town. It was an outdoor ceremony performed by a friend of theirs who got his credentials online for the wedding, it was short and sweet, but very hard to hear everything with the traffic and things going on outside, not to mention the motorcycle that must have circled the block twice.
After the wedding was a mingling hour wherein, everyone got some drinks and appetizers, they were serving Chambord Kir Royale's (Recipe Here) at the wedding, I'm not much of a champagne fan, but these really did the trick.
Rewind a bit, when we finished the wedding, we went inside and realized that we didn't have any place cards. S was mildly irked to say the least and she asked around to other familiar faces to see if someone had played a trick on us and just snagged our cards before we got in.
They did not.
My first thought is, well, they're still serving us at the open bar, so it's not a total loss. But her thought was something different. She finds out that her cousin and her cousin's husband, also do not have a place card. Which I figure is good news, because misery loves company sitting alone at the bar, while entertaining it it's own right, really isn't a good way to spend a wedding with the in-laws.
The girls go and hunt down the day-of-coordinator, which I guess is a thing so you don't have to do anything the day of your wedding, seems like a good gig to me. And she checks her list and sees that we're on it, and finds a place for us.
In the balcony.
Away from 90% of the people that I've met before.
Oh well, if you know me then you know that I don't really clam up in social settings, I tend to really get in there and figure out what's what. We ended up sitting with two of S's cousins, whom I had met previous (one of which was the other one without the place card, go figure). And the evening was not a total loss.
I'd like to give a shoot out to the bride though. She's a dietitian, I guess, and she was really good with my allergy. My salad, while I found it unpleasing, still contained no cheese. My steak was also prepared sans butter. The dessert options were cannoli cake or carrot cake. I got a big plate of fruit (to be fair, I actually got 4ish plates of fruit because I kept running up to the balcony to grab the plate and another one was always not far behind. As someone with my condition, it's nice to know that people are looking out for you, but on your wedding day? Come on now, there's a limit to how far I expect people to go, but I'm still very grateful.
Long night at the wedding, I'm not much of a dancer unless my BAC reaches a critical level. So I didn't much hit the dance floor. Also, I think the bolognese may have had some dairy in it, so I wasn't operating at 100% anyhow.
Afterwards, they had to cart out all the liquor they brought in, dry county. I guess a good portion of it ended up across the hall from us that night. I was pretty much calling it quits due to operating 18 hours a day site seeing and the dairy curse, but I hear they had a grand old time mimicking Boston accents.
Quite a good trip so far, wouldn't you agree?
If you go over to S's blog (Website Here) You'll eventually see more pictures from the trip there. We've both got android phones and Google+ so any pictures we take from our phones are auto-uploaded to there and the we can post them here for your viewing pleasure.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Boston Day 2
Alright, day two. Let's just start with the pictures and then fill in the blanks afterwards, shall we?
Not too many pictures, but my phone was acting up and I was trying to conserve battery (Read: Play Temple Run and Words with Friends).
Anyway, Day 2 was fun. I was fairly well rested, ate breakfast in the overpriced Marriott Peabody downstairs restaurant, and then started the day.
We started off they day visiting the Bunker Hill monument. (Side fact: Did you know that the battle of Bunker Hill was not actually fought on Bunker Hill? Google it!). We were going to go up the 294 steps up the monument to see the city, but it was closed for a half hour to replace some bulbs. There's no elevator so they had to walk up and then back down. It's supposed to be amazing once you get up there, but most of the people I was with weren't going to make the journey to the top anyway.
After that we headed to the U.S.S. Constitution, which I believe is the oldest still operating ship in the U.S. Navy. It's nickname is Old Iron Sides because I guess they manner in which the ship was constructed, cannon balls bounced off the sides as if they were made of iron. Pretty cool if you think about it. I'm not much of a mariner or into old boats for that matter, but S's dad was really into it, so it was cool to see him enjoy it. (Turns out thought he's got a fear of enclosed spaces so he didn't spend too much time below deck.)
After that we went to eat at the oldest pub in Boston. (Website Here) I had fried oysters. I must say that I was quite impressed, normally when I eat shellfish, they overcook the hell out of them.
Afterwards, we loaded up the cars and headed to Salem to go to Capt's Waterfront Premium Steak & Seafood Grill (Website Here). It was an open bar and free appetizers and a pretty decent piece of fish. I got the fish and chips, very good.
Afterward we walked out onto a pier, and by we I mean S's dad and I. Everyone else was afraid of witches or ghosts or they ate to much for dinner. The picture above is the shot out at the marina from the end.
After that they had a small gather of peers (Read: party) in one of the other rooms, S and I decided to play it cool, we need to try to find time to just hang out because I'm still in NJ for the foreseeable future.
Oh well, another day down. Pretty good one too.
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Captains of the U.S.S. Constitution. |
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I believe this was on the first level below deck. |
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View from the end of a pier in Salem, Mass. |
Anyway, Day 2 was fun. I was fairly well rested, ate breakfast in the overpriced Marriott Peabody downstairs restaurant, and then started the day.
We started off they day visiting the Bunker Hill monument. (Side fact: Did you know that the battle of Bunker Hill was not actually fought on Bunker Hill? Google it!). We were going to go up the 294 steps up the monument to see the city, but it was closed for a half hour to replace some bulbs. There's no elevator so they had to walk up and then back down. It's supposed to be amazing once you get up there, but most of the people I was with weren't going to make the journey to the top anyway.
After that we headed to the U.S.S. Constitution, which I believe is the oldest still operating ship in the U.S. Navy. It's nickname is Old Iron Sides because I guess they manner in which the ship was constructed, cannon balls bounced off the sides as if they were made of iron. Pretty cool if you think about it. I'm not much of a mariner or into old boats for that matter, but S's dad was really into it, so it was cool to see him enjoy it. (Turns out thought he's got a fear of enclosed spaces so he didn't spend too much time below deck.)
After that we went to eat at the oldest pub in Boston. (Website Here) I had fried oysters. I must say that I was quite impressed, normally when I eat shellfish, they overcook the hell out of them.
Afterwards, we loaded up the cars and headed to Salem to go to Capt's Waterfront Premium Steak & Seafood Grill (Website Here). It was an open bar and free appetizers and a pretty decent piece of fish. I got the fish and chips, very good.
Afterward we walked out onto a pier, and by we I mean S's dad and I. Everyone else was afraid of witches or ghosts or they ate to much for dinner. The picture above is the shot out at the marina from the end.
After that they had a small gather of peers (Read: party) in one of the other rooms, S and I decided to play it cool, we need to try to find time to just hang out because I'm still in NJ for the foreseeable future.
Oh well, another day down. Pretty good one too.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Boston Day 1
So I apologize for the long absence, but I've been busy you see. If you've been following along, then you know that I've been in Boston, MA. I'll try to sum up my trip over the next few days. This is probably cheating by normal blog standards, but eventually I'll have a buffer of blogs to post. You'll just have to stay posted for updates.
Anywho, Day 1:
I wake up at 2:30 in the morning, shower, etc. Get in the car and drive to Baltimore, it was about an hour and forty five minute drive that saved us about $200. So, all in all, I'm going with that it was worth it.
So I get there soo early that not all of the restaurants are open yet. I settle on a California Burrito place that had a decent looking breakfast burrito and then wait on my flight. I almost was late because I parked in the Long Term B lot, which apparently isn't even in the airport proper, so I had to await a shuttle and then get through security and all that. But I made it with time to spare.
Ate breakfast and then boarded the flight. Landed. Safe and sound. I then proceeded to the rental car place to see if S made a reservation (See I had reminded her almost weekly about it until she said that she took care of it, so I wasn't much concerned). Turns out, we did not have a reservation, but they still had plenty of cars so no big issue. (Other than that the EZpass didn't work at all and we had to actually use the tolls.)
Then I had about an hour to kill so I drove around the airport, went into town to get hairspray and some combs. Then doubled back to pick up S from the airport. Then we went to the hotel to check in and get settle before meeting up with some of the in-laws to go hang out for the day.
The adventure started in an old graveyard near Boston Common, it was either at the start of the freedom trail or pretty near to the start of the freedom trail. I'll put up some pics now:
Anywho, that's about how we ended the night.
Other stuff we did during the day that I didn't take any shots of was that we went to Faneuil Hall, which is of some historic significance, but it was mostly a market and restroom visit for us. There were also a troop of dancers out front, the emblem on their shirt was YAK (You Already Know), I guess they're regulars there because we passed them again a few days later.
We went to Lucca's for dinner (Website Here). I felt that it was good, but very overpriced. I can't remember exactly what I had, but Italian and I are limited friends due to lactose issues. I want to say that I got some pappardelle with a bolognese sauce, but I can never be sure of these things.
After that we had some Mike's Pastry (Website Here) for dessert. We thought they were also so-so. A swing and a miss today for Boston food.
Oh well, back to the hotel to rest up before another big day in the city tomorrow. Not to mention that by the end of that day I had been up for almost 24 hours straight.
Anywho, Day 1:
I wake up at 2:30 in the morning, shower, etc. Get in the car and drive to Baltimore, it was about an hour and forty five minute drive that saved us about $200. So, all in all, I'm going with that it was worth it.
So I get there soo early that not all of the restaurants are open yet. I settle on a California Burrito place that had a decent looking breakfast burrito and then wait on my flight. I almost was late because I parked in the Long Term B lot, which apparently isn't even in the airport proper, so I had to await a shuttle and then get through security and all that. But I made it with time to spare.
Ate breakfast and then boarded the flight. Landed. Safe and sound. I then proceeded to the rental car place to see if S made a reservation (See I had reminded her almost weekly about it until she said that she took care of it, so I wasn't much concerned). Turns out, we did not have a reservation, but they still had plenty of cars so no big issue. (Other than that the EZpass didn't work at all and we had to actually use the tolls.)
Then I had about an hour to kill so I drove around the airport, went into town to get hairspray and some combs. Then doubled back to pick up S from the airport. Then we went to the hotel to check in and get settle before meeting up with some of the in-laws to go hang out for the day.
The adventure started in an old graveyard near Boston Common, it was either at the start of the freedom trail or pretty near to the start of the freedom trail. I'll put up some pics now:
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Here's a shot looking toward the center of the graveyard. Very old stones here. |
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6 years old. You'll also notice throughout the pictures that the stones are practically on top of one another, turns out they just used burial shrouds and not caskets. (Click to Enlarge) |
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Sam Adams tombstone. Everyone put pennies on it, they're not really sure why it started, but they think it was a secular thing. I guess it's supposed to bring good luck. I put a dime on there. |
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Monument to Paul Revere I think, not sure though, it was on the left side as you faced the center. |
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You can't hardly read this one, but it was quite lengthy. |
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The gravestone of the woman they attribute Mother Goose too. |
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A very old church that was on the Freedom Trail. |
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First four commandments, different from what I remember. |
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Last six commandments. S thinks they are out of order. |
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Martha Balls grave. |
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Robert Balls grave. |
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I mad this one considerably larger than the other so you can see the musket ball marks on it. You'll be able to find out what that's about a few pictures down the line. |
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Gravestone from 1661, one of the oldest we saw |
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Here's the explanation to the musket ball marks in one of the previous pictures. |
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Freedom Trail marker. The red bricks ran all over town to let you know that you were on the Freedom Trail. We'd use it quite often to get back to the car. |
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That's right, we got hoodwinked in Boston, but we did get to see the replica bar they made and the bar that was the inspiration for Cheers. |
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Moose #1 |
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Moose #1 in better light. |
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Moose #2 and random guy who's probably wondering what I'm on. |
Other stuff we did during the day that I didn't take any shots of was that we went to Faneuil Hall, which is of some historic significance, but it was mostly a market and restroom visit for us. There were also a troop of dancers out front, the emblem on their shirt was YAK (You Already Know), I guess they're regulars there because we passed them again a few days later.
Not my video, but it gives you a sense of what we saw.
We went to Lucca's for dinner (Website Here). I felt that it was good, but very overpriced. I can't remember exactly what I had, but Italian and I are limited friends due to lactose issues. I want to say that I got some pappardelle with a bolognese sauce, but I can never be sure of these things.
After that we had some Mike's Pastry (Website Here) for dessert. We thought they were also so-so. A swing and a miss today for Boston food.
Oh well, back to the hotel to rest up before another big day in the city tomorrow. Not to mention that by the end of that day I had been up for almost 24 hours straight.
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