
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Resistance Bands

Late post today.

Actually today's been a late day all the way around.

I blame it on the fact that I felt obligated to shave today.  Through off my whole morning.

Ate breakfast late.

Got to work a bit later than I wanted.

Left work later than I wanted.

Started to work out later than I wanted...



You have no idea.

I'm to OCD for all this.  I'm a big creature of habit.  I think I get it from my Grandmother on my Mom's side.

She's very "regular" or she's not at all.

Hahaha.  Love you Grandma.

Anyway, back to the topic of the post.

I'm pretty sure I've told you about the resistance bands that I bought from Dick's Sporting Goods over the weekend.

I don't know if I told you that the day after I got them or the day I got them, I can't remember, I ended up snapping myself in the chest with them pretty good.

Like really good.

I've still got a bruise across the chest from when it hit me.


With force.

Granted, it was my fault for trying to hood rig something with the bands in my room and not following proper band usage protocol, but still.

It hurt.

A lot.

Anyway, I recovered from that fiasco.  It was more of a shock when it hit me followed by the pain and then the pain of "I have no one to blame for this than myself" (which is almost worse than the actual pain of the injury).

I'll set the scene.

There's a coat rack on the left when you come in the door.

Sturdy, I tried to hang on it to make sure that I wouldn't get hurt.

It held.

I thought that was good enough, I looped probably a 15-20 pound resistance band around it.

I pulled a bit, testing my "connection" to the coat rack.

It felt pretty solid.

I checked my loop job, once more and then hit play on the video.

Everything was going well, I started the arm workout.  It's kind of like a standing chin-up/pull-up for those of us that either don't have a bar or can't get over the bar (or both).

So I get into a kneeling lunge position and start to pull on the bands to that I can get the motion of the pull up down.

I put my arms back forward, again, mimicking the correct motion.

I look to the video to make sure that I'm doing the motion correctly and then start to pull again.


Right across the chest.

I didn't even know what happened.

I was up, I was looking at the door.

I don't know why.  I assume it was to make sure that no one snuck in and saw me.

Sad part is, my only reaction, other than to try to bring my hands in after the fact was to just say, "Ow."

That's it, no rage, no jumping, no cursing, just "Ow."

Worse of all, while I'm standing there, watching the line get redder across my chest, I'm still holding the offensive band in my hand.

I still finished the workout.  My heart just wasn't in it after that.  Also, whenever I moved my chest it aggravated my injury.


Today was the second or third time using the bands, so I thought I had the process down.  I was even using the correct door attachment, like in the instructions.

Well, today I was using the heavy band to mimic some more pull-ups/chin-ups, with the door attachment.  And everything was going well, but then the end slipped out.

You see, it's a rubber tube with a black plastic marble shoved in the end of it which is then forced through a steel grommet (the type of hole you'd find on the edge of a tarpaulin), then it's secure with another black plastic/rubber washer that I assume is supposed to hold the marble in the tube through the grommet, in place.

It did not.

No injury though.  Just frustration.

I stop the video.  Work out how it works and what needs to happen for it to go back to it's original position, and then fix it.

Or so I thought.

Either the same end or the opposite end of the tube slipped out the next set.

Frustrating, but I have the solution in hand so it's not a big fix.

I switch bands, thinking maybe this one is just not the band for this exercise and I'm doing it wrong.

Using a different band, I start another work out.  It was either lawnmower's or seated back flys.  Not sure.

And then, that band just snaps off right at the grommet.


Into the floor though.  In both exercises the band is supported by my foot on the floor, just like in the video, so the energy of the band goes into the floor.  Not a problem.

Other than the broken band.

Clockwise.  Resistance band, black plastic marble and end of band, black plastic/rubber washer, and then the strap with the steel grommet in it.  The grommet that is facing the busted tube is the one in which the marble was supposed to be stopped/supported by.

Long story cut short.  I already threw away the box, the receipt, the plastic tags on the tubes everything.

And no, not like threw it away, I'm too lazy to go look for it.  I'm in a hotel.  Anything that's been in my trash is gone.

Oh well, S says that I can probably just go back and have them look up the transaction by my credit card and have them do a like for like exchange if I want.

That'll have to wait until this weekend though.  There's no way that I'd get to Christiana and back after work and still have time to eat and work out and decompress and all that.

I wish this was more upbeat for you, but it's been a whole lot of fail surrounding those bands, I thought I should report it.


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