
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Back in Jersey

So I'll do my best to catch you back up to current day now.

First day back was pretty much a bust.

Woke up, did the usual routine and then went to work.  Work was long and tedious, but I felt like nothing was really accomplished in my absence not for lack of trying, just volume of work to be completed.

After work was the usual, happy hour at the hotel and then laundry.  I've still not determined if $5 is a good price for two loads of wash and one load of dry or not.  But I guess that's the way of things.

The rest of the week's been pretty good.  I'm finally setting up a routine.  It keeps me pretty busy and keeps my mind occupied so I don't mope around about not being at home with those I love.

I get up, shower, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, go to happy hour in the hotel (M-Th), go back to the room and workout, eat a light dinner, Skype with S, and then read for an hour and go to bed.

It's probably a little too busy, but I'm trying to garner good habits.

Before my excuse to not work out was that there wasn't enough time or that I had gotten comfortable at home already.  It was also partly because for a while there I was trying to ride my bike to work and after I got back to the apartment (after an 8 mile bike ride) I was already pretty gassed.  Not good.

With the move out to the 'burbs with the in-laws, I was just lazy.  I didn't want to find the time to do it.  I don't like going to gyms so that thought is rough.  I think I would be okay if I had a trainer or someone who was on my own level to work out with regularly, but the other side of it is that the gym is another stop.  I think that eventually I'll just get some workout stuff for the house like my Dad does and then I won't actually have to go anywhere to workout but my own basement.  That should get rid of the majority of my excuses.

I don't have that excuse here.  Since I'm doing the P90X off of my laptop, there's really no excuse not to work out wherever my laptop is.  Not going to get much lazier than that.  I'm stuck in a hotel with my laptop, where's the excuse? There isn't one.  That's why I've been really good about working out.  I'm probably going to be doing the first week of the P90X program four times instead of the three recommended, as I've just bought the resistance bands yesterday morning (well, this morning at the time of writing).  I don't feel like I've gotten as much out of some of the workouts as I could have if I would have already been in possession of the bands.

I bought a set that can go from 5 pounds to 75 pounds.  It's actually a pretty small kit so I'll be able to workout wherever I go with it.  Which is kind of nice and further removes excuses from not working out.

Anywho, I'm probably going to go into work for a bit tomorrow to get some more stuff done.  I did a couple hours worth today, but my hearts not been in it.  I just needed a day off I think.  I'll get back after it tomorrow, might as well put in the overtime if I'm away from home anyway.  Not much else to do.


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