
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Jersey Day 2

Got to eat breakfast today, so that was a vast improvement over yesterday.  So I've got that going for me.  Starting off good, I'm feeling it.

Get about 5 miles away from the site and I realize that I left my lunch at home.  Shit.

Well, I'm committed now.  So I don't eat lunch again for the second day.  No worries.  I've got a few extra pounds to shrug off.

Strange thing happens though.  S's dad gave me a pen.  It's inaugural run as far as I know was when I put pen to paper Monday morning in my first Computer Based Training (CBT) class that I had.  I ran out this morning about 10am.

I don't know that I've ever ran out of ink on a pen before.  I mean seriously? Is that a thing? Running out of ink?  I normally lose the pen before then.  I've got a pen I got when I turned 18 and I've still got it, rights the same as ever.  That's about 9 years ago, almost 10! Still has ink... But no, a day and a half at the site taking notes and I'm already one pen down.  I had to borrow one of theirs, not that they mind they've got a whole slew of them.  But the looks you get when you tell someone you ran out of ink on a computer-based-training class...I mean, I might as well have kick they lady's puppy.

By the by, my hand hurts.  I've not written that much since...well, probably since freshman or sophomore year of college.  After that I just took the majority of my text only notes on the laptop.

I tried to snag some picks of my drive to the site and from the site.  I'll see if I can find them.

You can see the old school cooling tower on the right there.

I tried to get the two dome shaped reactor buildings (Salem Unit 1 & 2)
Turns out that the ones I took on the way home only got the windshield and the rain drops upon it.  I was trying to snag a shot of the turtle crossing sign.  I'll see if I can snag that tomorrow.

Other than some wild peacocks crossing the road on the way to work, it's been a pretty animal light trip so far.

As far as my work, I found out that after I finish the CBT I'll be going to Wilmington almost daily to go to work.  Kind of wish I would have know that, I would've stay on the Delaware side of the Delaware river.

Oh well.  I don't like living all that close to work.  Need some personal/work separation time.


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