
Monday, August 20, 2012

Hotel Laundry

First day back in NJ and only three more days before I go to Boston.  Which is nice, but at the same time it's hard to get into a routine.  Those of you who know me know how important schedule and routine are for me.  You can pretty much set your clock by when I do things.

For instance, I get up at 6:30, I shower, get ready, take my pills and leave the room for the day.  Then I'm downstairs getting my tea by 7:05, then we leave for the site about 7:40.  The time's shifted as we've got a third person here from S&L Chicago.

But back to the facts, not being able to make a consistent schedule for laundry has put me in a spin.  Normally, I'd get up relatively early on a Sunday and start laundry and then eat breakfast.  I'd then be able to leisurely finish the laundry throughout the day.  Nice easy Sunday to get back into "work mode".

I'm not quite as bad as Sheldon Cooper per say (shout out to all my Big Bang Theory Peeps), but I'm pretty sure that I have at least some mild OCD tendencies (Laces go in the socks, after you untie them; socks, underwear and undershirts go in the top drawer, pants in the bottom drawer, etc.).  It's not all bad, everything is pretty much always right where I left it (read: right where it's supposed to be).

Anywho, back to laundry.  It's $1.50 for a wash and $1.00 for a dry.  I'm not sure if that's a good deal or not, but I was in a pinch....and it's a Monday.  Motivations is at an all time low today.  But I was able to finish it all, they've got two washers and two dryers and I'm pretty much the only person crazy enough to do laundry on a Monday.

I didn't time the dryer right so I had to iron my own clothes.  I hate ironing.  Scratch that, I don't know if hate is strong enough, I mega-loathe ironing.  Must be my least favorite activity.  I think part of it is that it's so hot.  I don't do hot. It's just not my thing, the other part of it is that it takes forever and I usually have to redo stuff because it doesn't look right the first time....  Oh well, I'm done now.  Going to call it early tonight, I didn't get much rest last night and they've actually got stuff for us to start working on now, which is nice and should help to pass the days a little bit better.


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